Let’s Rogate!

Dear Friends,

This Sunday we’ll be observing Rogation Sunday, which means we’ll rogare — the Latin verb for “ask.” But I prefer the anglicized version offered by our Music Director, Laura Bray: "Let's Rogate!"

Of course in worship, the asking we'll be doing is asking of God, and as you’ll learn more about on Sunday, Rogation Sunday is a day to remember and to ask for God’s continued provision of our needs through everyday blessings like sun and rain, work and resources. The asking also has to do with praying for God to protect us from the myriad potential calamities that could befall us.

Rogation Sunday grew out of the agricultural calendar that is largely foreign to our suburban life, so it falls in the spring planting season. I’ve been pondering this week about how it is spring here, but it is also spring now in Ukraine. It is spring in Gaza. It is spring on college campuses wracked by protests around the country. It is spring in places where the clouds of fear, despair, hatred, and anger loom darkly over the sunniest of days.

All this spring stuff and all this stuff happening in the spring demands our rogation — our asking — of the Lord. Let's rogate together!

See you Sunday!

In Christ,
Fr. Andrew


St. Andrew's Summer Snack Bag Initiative


Prayer List for St. Andrew’s this Summer